5 years ago in Contrast

pretending to be serious vs. being serious

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We're preparing ourself now for the next big change in the industry.

Dornbracht is moving towards culturing life, a new claim for the brand's activities.

Why do we call it like this?

Maybe it's helps to understand when we look where we coming from, to understand that life is really a journey and everything is really a kind of an evolution [mumble mumble] process.

So in the 90s we started with culture in the bathroom.

We're focusing on the precise design, and Dornbracht with the help of Sieger design has come up with incredible iconic designs for the industry.

After that we have invited artists, philosophers, designers, people who really start thinking about how people behave, how do they interact with the products, and we understood: it's all about rituals.

So we called this movement ritual architecture.

The next part we were very much interested in was thinking about the water itself.

Water has this opportunity to rejuvenate yourself in a very different way, from hot to cold, from hard to soft.

We thought it was time to change the claim from culture in the bathroom to the spirit of water.

And now, the society, the industry, we're all facing an incredible new trend, it called digitalization.

And through the digitalization we understand that beside the design and beside the architecture is very much important to understand how the self works, what are my personal needs.

And so we thought it's necessary to claim it in the way culturing life for the next generation and the people who are already facing with their smartphones these incredible technological revolution where they start and configurate actually, uhm, their smartphones, and so as well later on the whole smart homes where we live in.

When everything becomes digital you understand easily that the bathroom goes digital, too, as well the kitchen.

And this is a core for kind of a smarter product, let's say the products for the near future has to become intelligent.

Dornbracht will call this smart water.

So smart water actually defines the vision, actually defines the answer to this enormous change we're experiencing right now with digitalization.

And with smart water we need intelligent products.

And we will call those products smart tools.

So the smart tools will enable our vision of smart water.

We thought it needs a very simple communication, a very simple core message to explain the complexity behind the idea of smart water and it's smart tools to the customers.

So we thought it makes completely sense to find a claim which is based on a evolutionary development, within the [??] market.

And it says: "hot, cold and click".

So if we have the core message for the smart water idea "hot, cold and click", we'd like to keep the same structure, finding three words, to make it easy for the customer to remember.

So we thought that within the bathroom it makes sense to call it "aesthetics, beauty and care".

Here are the main interests for the customers as well, for their personal needs.

We know aesthetics is a kind of a core value for Dornbracht in general, everything looks just simply precise, iconic.

Beauty becomes more and more important and so as well care, because we spend more and more time in the bathroom to take care of our health, to rejuvenate, because we have to perform.

And that's why the area of the bathroom is simply the place where we all can fulfill that.

So Dornbracht bathroom, "aesthetics, beauty and care".

And for the kitchen we thought, again based on three words, it makes complete sense to say Dornbracht kitchen: "eat, drink and think".

Eat and drink of course is what we mainly do in the kitchen, we prepare we a dish, we have a good wine.

But nevertheless think is interesting as well in terms of everything becomes a little smarter.

And nowadays we know how important is to develop sustainable products and at the same time to take care about what you eat, so talking about the healthness within the kitchen area.

When we take everything into consideration what we just heard, then we know that the next decade is actually really about the unique human being with its individual needs within its individual spaces.

And Dornbracht will take care of that.

battery icons on mobile phones shape how people view time and space [..] people now identify themselves and others in relation to how they maintain their battery levels
If people could understand what computing was about, the iPhone would not be a bad thing. But because people don’t understand what computing is about, they think they have it in the iPhone, and that illusion is as bad as the illusion that Guitar Hero is the same as a real guitar.
The danger of computers becoming like humans is not as great as the danger of humans becoming like computers.
We live in a society absolutely dependent on science and technology and yet have cleverly arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. That's a clear prescription for disaster.
The push for electronic medical records has nothing to do with the delivery of quality health care….it has everything to do with control.
If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality.
We live in a bubble. A bubble out of which we force ourselves not to look out of. A bubble filled with screens and frequent dopamine hits. We smile, we snicker, we chuckle, and whenever something doesn't agree with us, we instantly reply with our disagreement.

We don't want to look up, outside the window, feel the breeze and see life as it is going on around us. People walking, talking, communicate using many things beside a keyboard and emojis. Mostly using tones of voice, facial expressions, body language. Even more so with things they can touch, feel, read on things which are tangible, not worrying about going out of charge, or talking about formats, or apps.

This is life. Not the bits and bytes. Not the communication protocols, not the APIs, coding methodologies, frameworks, editors, tabs, spaces. Those are for machines to talk to other machines, not to people.


Making machines of people should not be considered development. Making machines for people should be.
The main part of the economics that don't make sense is trusting a secretive technocratic savior, wielding trillions of dollars of resources, to actually give a shit about helping out all the low-level peons who initially funded the system. It's an extremely elitist vision, that, by people's parents handing over investment money to a small cabal of technological geniuses, their kids will be handed a post-scarcity utopia on a platter --- instead of the wealthy technocrats simply joining forces with the rest of the oppressive oligarchy, laughing at the suckers who gambled away their children's futures on promises of technology serving the people rather than vice-versa.
"And in her ears the little Seashells, the timble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talk coming in, coming on on the shore of her unsleeping mind."

So, even as she rests, Mildred is surrounded by noise, by constant entertainment, just like she is during the day with her t.v. walls. Montag's society uses these seashells for two purposes. The first is to control information, and hence, thought and potential rebellion. If they are the ones controlling what information you get, they can tell you whatever they want, giving only one perspective, and painting a rosy picture so that people are never discontented. They also use the shells to relay important information. For example, when Montag escapes at the end, they send a message through all of the seashells for everyone to look out for him, and to turn him in if they see him. They automatically have a huge civilian army at hand, through the use of the seashells. Secondly, if people are constantly "plugged in," they don't have any spare time for their minds to be on their own. If people never have silence, they never think, and so never have the kind of discontented thought that come from meditation.

Mildred stays "tuned in" so much that she really has no mind of her own. In this sense, she is a perfect citizen of her society. I hope that these thoughts helped; good luck!
Our entire much-praised technological progress, and civilization generally, could be compared to an axe in the hand of a pathological criminal.
letter to Heinrich Zaggler, December 6, 1917
 5 years ago


 5 years ago in Quotes
We live in a bubble. A bubble out of which we force ourselves not to look out of. A bubble filled with screens and frequent dopamine hits. We smile, we snicker, we chuckle, and whenever something doesn't agree with us, we instantly reply with our disagreement.

We don't want to look up, outside the window, feel the breeze and see life as it is going on around us. People walking, talking, communicate using many things beside a keyboard and emojis. Mostly using tones of voice, facial expressions, body language. Even more so with things they can touch, feel, read on things which are tangible, not worrying about going out of charge, or talking about formats, or apps.

This is life. Not the bits and bytes. Not the communication protocols, not the APIs, coding methodologies, frameworks, editors, tabs, spaces. Those are for machines to talk to other machines, not to people.


Making machines of people should not be considered development. Making machines for people should be.
 5 years ago in Musik

Zwoa Zigarettn

by Spider Murphy Gang
(click image to load video)
 5 years ago in Quotes
HN has plenty of misinformation posted on it constantly. Countless posts that are objectively wrong, and in many cases it is done intentionally. I have seen lies supporting eugenics, lies about how quantum computing is a fake conspiracy, etc etc. And yet the mods only jump in when you're impolite by referring to OP with "you" and "you're" because it is a "personal attack". They are optimizing on the wrong problem, IMO. I would rather discuss with people who are snide rather than with liars who have an agenda.

HN has its own "fake news" problems. And this is the society we are living in; you can say anything as long as it doesn't offend or hurt someone's feelings. Even if it is objectively fake horse shit.
 5 years ago in Quotes
Some crimes can also be aided by whispered in-person conversation. Should we require all in-person conversation to be shouted near a government office?

The societal default used to be that substantially all conversations were inaccessible to the government except through testimony. Encryption does nothing to change the availability of information through testimony.

Previously, remote conspirators could collaborate through the post, and their conversations could only be accessed with a warrant specifically targeting those communicators. End-to-end encryption does little to change the availability of information in a targeted investigation; it just means it's a little more difficult to access the information than entering a phone number into XKeyscore. Investigators can install malware on the device, or microphones and video cameras in the suspect's home to hear or see what is being communicated.

Forbidding end-to-end encryption, in combination with our mass surveillance apparatus, changes the societal default to be that substantially all conversations are trivially and automatically accessible to the government.
 5 years ago in Quotes
They make it illegal to bring respiratory masks or saline solution to protests, then they flood them with tear gas; they launch military-grade grenades (GLI-F4) into crowds, harming and maiming indiscriminately, and prosecute those who kick them back. And when people stop going to protests they can claim that they won the battle of ideas.
 5 years ago in Zeug


by Karl Jaspers
(click image to load video)
 5 years ago in Quotes
First they came for the Tibetans, I did not speak up because I am not Tibetan.

Then they came for the Uighur, I did not speak up because I am not Uighur.

Then they came for Hong Kong, I did not speak up because I am not from Hong Kong.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.
 5 years ago in Quotes
A child can't understand Hamlet, but can understand Cat In The Hat. Yet, it's Shakespeare, not Dr. Seuss, who is the centerpiece of our culture's literature.

As we grow up, our minds develop and our bodies develop. A tool for adults should take full advantage of the adult capabilities of both mind and body. Tools that are dumbed down for children's minds or children's bodies are called "toys".

Channeling all interaction through a single finger is like restricting all literature to Dr Seuss's vocabulary. Yes, it's much more accessible, both to children and to a small set of disabled adults. But a fully-functioning adult human being deserves so much more.
 5 years ago


 5 years ago


 5 years ago

Meta Collection

 5 years ago

Words and Phrases

 5 years ago


 5 years ago


 5 years ago

Worte und Phrasen