1 decade ago in Quotes
There is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
I know of no more encouraging fact than the ability of a man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. It is something to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so make a few objects beautiful. It is far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look. This morally we can do.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!
"I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked" (1935)
 1 decade ago in Zitate
Was man sich jung vornimmt, das wird einem zur zweiten Natur. Zivilcourage ist für mich eine ganz wichtige, menschlich wichtige Eigenschaft. Daß man kein Denunziant ist, sondern daß man geradesteht, daß man sich für andere einsetzt. Und daß man nicht aufpaßt, ob etwas opportun ist, sondern etwas tut, weil man es tut, aus eigener Überzeugung. Das kann man lernen.

Und wenn man einmal gelernt hat, nicht wegzusehen, sondern hinzusehen, dann tut man es auch weiter. Die Jugend ist das beste Alter, um das vorzunehmen.
 1 decade ago in Zitate
Abel steh auf
es muß neu gespielt werden
täglich muß es neu gespielt werden
täglich muß die Antwort noch vor uns sein
die Antwort muß ja sein können
wenn du nicht aufstehst Abel
wie soll die Antwort
diese einzig wichtige Antwort
sich je verändern
 1 decade ago in Zitate
Ich will einen Streifen Papier
so groß wie ich
ein Meter sechzig
darauf ein Gedicht
das schreit
sowie einer vorübergeht
schreit in schwarzen Buchstaben
das etwas Unmögliches verlangt
Zivilcourage zum Beispiel
diesen Mut den kein Tier hat
Mit-Schmerz zum Beispiel
Solidarität statt Herde
heimisch zu machen im Tun
"Drei Arten Gedichte aufzuschreiben"
 1 decade ago in Quotes
Your stuff will start to puff up. Your paragraphs will start to get rotund with all the things you could say if you really wanted, but you can only hint. That's bad. It's bad intellectually and I think it's bad morally. It means that you become.. your contract is no longer with your readers. What I try and do, and the reason I write in longhand and write in isolation, is to say "The only person I have a deal with is the person who might read this. And I'll give them my best, and I don't care what the editor thinks, the advertising department thinks, friends and colleagues think." You try and live, as it were, as if none of these people counted. "What's the best account I can give for customers of this." Most of Washington punditry is nothing of the kind, it's... private letters written to other pundits and appearing in public space.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
The kind of work that should be the main part of life is the kind of work you would want to do if you weren’t being paid for it. It’s work that comes out of your own internal needs, interests and concerns.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
The U.S. is, of course, concerned over Iranian power. That is one reason why the U.S. turned to active support for Iraq in the late stages of the Iraq-Iran war, with a decisive effect on the outcome, and why Washington continued its active courtship of Saddam Hussein until he interfered with U.S. plans for the region in August 1990. U.S. concerns over Iranian power were also reflected in the decision to support Saddam’s murderous assault against the Shiite population of southern Iraq in March 1991, immediately after the fighting stopped. A narrow reason was fear that Iran, a Shiite state, might exert influence over Iraqi Shiites. A more general reason was the threat to “stability” that a successful popular revolution might pose: to translate into English, the threat that it might inspire democratizing tendencies that would undermine the array of dictatorships that the U.S. relies on to control the people of the region.

Recall that Washington’s support for its former friend was more than tacit; the U.S. military command even denied rebelling Iraqi officers access to captured Iraqi equipment as the slaughter of the Shiite population proceeded under Stormin’ Norman’s steely gaze.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
Suppose that, say, China established military bases in Colombia to carry out chemical warfare in Kentucky and North Carolina to destroy this lethal crop [tobacco] that is killing huge numbers of Chinese.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
If something is right (or wrong) for us, it’s right (or wrong) for others. It follows that if it’s wrong for Cuba, Nicaragua, Haiti, and a long list of others to bomb Washington and New York, then it’s wrong for Rumsfeld to bomb Afghanistan (on much flimsier pretexts), and he should be brought before war crimes trials.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
[The U.S. still names] military helicopter gunships after victims of genocide. Nobody bats an eyelash about that: Blackhawk. Apache. And Comanche. If the Luftwaffe named its military helicopters Jew and Gypsy, I suppose people would notice.
"Propaganda and the Public Mind: Conversations With Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian" (2001)
 1 decade ago in Quotes
Globalization is the result of powerful governments, especially that of the United States, pushing trade deals and other accords down the throats of the world’s people to make it easier for corporations and the wealthy to dominate the economies of nations around the world without having obligations to the peoples of those nations.
"Profit Over People: Neoliberalism and the Global Order" (1998)
 1 decade ago in Quotes
Could we stop the militarization of space? It certainly looks like we could. The reason is that the U.S. is alone, literally alone, in pressing for it. The entire world is opposed, because they’re scared, mainly. The U.S. is way ahead. If other countries are not willing to even dream of full-spectrum dominance and world control, they’re way too far behind; they will react, undoubtedly. But they’d like to cut it off. And there are several treaties, which are in fact already in place, that are supported literally by the entire world and that the U.S. is trying to overturn. One is the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, which bans placing weapons in outer space. Everyone signed it, including the United States. Nobody has tried to put weapons in outer space. It has been observed and would be easily detected if anyone broke it. In 1999, the treaty came up at the UN General Assembly, and the vote was around 163 to 0 with 2 abstentions, the U.S. and Israel, which votes automatically with the U.S.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
[In early 2007] there was a new rash of articles and headlines on the front page about the “Chinese military build-up.” The Pentagon claimed that China had increased its offensive military capacity — with 400 missiles, which could be nuclear armed. Then we had a debate about whether that proves China is trying to conquer the world or the numbers are wrong, or something. Just a little footnote. How many offensive nuclear armed missiles does the United States have? Well, it turns out to be 10,000. China may now have maybe 400, if you believe the hawks. That proves that they are trying to conquer the world.

It turns out, if you read the international press closely, that the reason China is building up its military capacity is not only because of U.S. aggressiveness all over the place, but the fact that the United States has improved its targeting capacities so it can now destroy missile sites in a much more sophisticated fashion wherever they are, even if they are mobile. So who is trying to conquer the world? Well, obviously the Chinese because since we own it, they are trying to conquer it. It’s all too easy to continue with this indefinitely. Just pick your topic. It’s a good exercise to try. This simple principle, “we own the world,” is sufficient to explain a lot of the discussion about foreign affairs.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
Emptiness is a symptom that you are not living creatively. You either have no goal that is important enough to you, or you are not using your talents and efforts in a striving toward an important goal.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
Dig within. Within is the wellspring of good; and it is always ready to bubble up, if you just dig.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
Discovery is the ability to be puzzled by simple things.
 1 decade ago in Zitate
Einsiedelei ist widerlich, man lege seine Eier ehrlich vor aller Welt, die Sonne wird sie ausbrüten; man beiße lieber ins Leben statt in seine Zunge; man ehre den Maulwurf und seine Art, aber man mache ihn nicht zu seinem Heiligen.
Brief an Oskar Pollak, 6. September 1903
 1 decade ago in Zitate
Nur dadurch, dass die Menschen alle Kräfte spannen und einander liebend helfen, erhalten sie sich in einer leidlichen Höhe über einer höllischen Tiefe, nach der sie wollen. Untereinander sind sie durch Seile verbunden, und bös ist es schon, wenn sich um einen die Seile lockern und er ein Stück tiefer sinkt als die andern in den leeren Raum, und gräßlich ist es, wenn die Seile um einen reißen und er jetzt fällt. Darum soll man sich an die andern halten. Ich habe die Vermutung, dass die Mädchen uns oben halten, weil sie so leicht sind, darum müssen wir die Mädchen lieb haben und darum sollen sie uns lieb haben.
Brief an Oskar Pollak, 20. Dezember 1903