1 decade ago in Quotes
My feeling then, and now, is that IF there is to be an army, then the burden of service should be shared, not assigned to the disadvantaged by one or another means, as in the case of all onerous tasks. That does not imply that those called upon to share the burden should necessarily agree. There are always cases where refusal is justified, and refusal to serve in Vietnam was, in my opinion, one such case. Same always. Garbage collection should be shared, not assigned to the disadvantaged, but if someone is ordered to dump toxic wastes in a schoolyard, he or she should refuse.
ZNet forum reply, February 3, 2005
 4 years ago in Zitate
Es gibt Reichtümer, an denen man zugrunde geht, wenn man sie nicht mit anderen teilen kann.
 9 years ago in Quotes
At this point we find ourselves confronted by a very disquieting question: Do we really wish to act upon our knowledge? Does a majority of the population think it worth while to take a good deal of trouble, in order to halt and, if possible, reverse the current drift toward totalitarian control of everything?

In the United States and America is the prophetic image of the rest of the urban-industrial world as it will be a few years from now -- recent public opinion polls have revealed that an actual majority of young people in their teens, the voters of tomorrow, have no faith in democratic institutions, see no objection to the censor­ship of unpopular ideas, do not believe that govern­ment of the people by the people is possible and would be perfectly content, if they can continue to live in the style to which the boom has accustomed them, to be ruled, from above, by an oligarchy of assorted experts. That so many of the well-fed young television-watchers in the world's most powerful democracy should be so completely indifferent to the idea of self-government, so blankly uninterested in freedom of thought and the right to dissent, is distressing, but not too surprising.

"Free as a bird," we say, and envy the winged creatures for their power of unrestricted movement in all the three dimensions. But, alas, we forget the dodo. Any bird that has learned how to grub up a good living without being compelled to use its wings will soon renounce the privilege of flight and remain forever grounded. Something analogous is true of human beings. If the bread is supplied regularly and copiously three times a day, many of them will be perfectly content to live by bread alone -- or at least by bread and circuses alone.


Considering how little they knew and how poorly they were equipped, the Grand Inquisitors of earlier times did remarkably well. But their successors, the well-in­formed, thoroughly scientific dictators of the future will undoubtedly be able to do a great deal better. The Grand Inquisitor reproaches Christ with having called upon men to be free and tells Him that "we have cor­rected Thy work and founded it upon miracle, mystery and authority."

But miracle, mystery and authority are not enough to guarantee the indefinite survival of a dictatorship. In my fable of Brave New World, the dictators had added science to the list and thus were able to enforce their authority by manipulating the bodies of embryos, the reflexes of infants and the minds of children and adults. And, instead of merely talking about miracles and hinting symbolically at mysteries, they were able, by means of drugs, to give their subjects the direct experience of mysteries and miracles -- to transform mere faith into ecstatic knowl­edge.

The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough cir­cuses, enough miracles and mysteries. Nor did they possess a really effective system of mind-manipulation. In the past, free-thinkers and revolutionaries were often the products of the most piously orthodox educa­tion. This is not surprising. The methods employed by orthodox educators were and still are extremely inefficient. Under a scientific dictator education will really work -- with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.

Meanwhile there is still some freedom left in the world. Many young people, it is true, do not seem to value freedom. But some of us still believe that, with­out freedom, human beings cannot become fully hu­man and that freedom is therefore supremely valuable. Perhaps the forces that now menace freedom are too strong to be resisted for very long. It is still our duty to do whatever we can to resist them.
 4 years ago in Quotes
We just need to grow up and stop blaming the geeks for the utter manure shoveled at us by ignorant jocks on golf courses determined to exclude anyone with actual understanding, insight and knowledge. And the manure shoveled by the actual geeks with a massive risk appetite and zero care for externalities beyond their startup making cash.
 3 years ago in Quotes
One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit. Everyone knows this. Each of us contributes his share. But we tend to take the situation for granted. Most people are rather confident of their ability to recognize bullshit and to avoid being taken in by it. So the phenomenon has not aroused much deliberate concern, nor attracted much sustained inquiry.

In consequence, we have no clear understanding of what bullshit is, why there is so much of it, or what functions it serves.
"On Bullshit"
 1 decade ago in Quotes
We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves.
 4 years ago in Zitate
Ich glaube, es ist schon ein Unterschied zwischen Vorbestimmen und Vorauswissen. Vorbestimmung lässt sich für mich viel schwerer, fast gar nicht eigentlich, mit dem freien Willen vereinbaren. Vorherwissen viel eher, obwohl es noch unbegreifliches Geheimnis bleibt. Übrigens ist „Vorherwissen“ menschlich gesprochen, da Gott ja nicht an unsre Zeit gebunden ist, man müsste die Vorsilbe „Vorher“ streichen und nur Wissen sagen.
12. Januar 1943
 1 decade ago in Quotes
The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling. Yet we do not treat ourselves nor one another thus tenderly.
 1 decade ago in Zitate
[..] meine Liebe zu Dir ist größer als ich, und mehr von mir bewohnt als daß sie in mir wohnte, und hat auch einen schlechten Halt an meinem unsicheren Wesen [..]
 8 years ago in Quotes
If the ability to tell right from wrong should have anything to do with the ability to think, then we must be able to "demand" its exercise in every sane person no matter how erudite or ignorant.
"The Life of the Mind: The Groundbreaking Investigation on How We Think"
 7 years ago in Zitate
Dennoch darf das Element des Verbrechers in keinem Konzentrationslager fehlen. [..] die Tatsache, daß sie fast ausnahmslos die Aristokratie der Lager bildeten und die administrativen Funktionen erfüllten, zeigt deutlich, daß es erheblich schwerer ist, die juristische Person in einem Menschen zu töten, der sich etwas hat zuschulden kommen lassen, als einem völlig Unschuldigen. Der Aufstieg des Verbrechers in die Aristokratie der Lager ähnelt auffallend der Verbesserung, die in der juristischen Lage der Staatenlosen, welche ja auch ihre bürgerlichen Rechte verloren haben, eintritt, sobald sie sich zu einem Diebstahl entschließen.
"Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft", S. 656
 8 years ago in Zitate
Jede menschliche Vollkommenheit ist einem Fehler verwandt, in welchen überzugehen sie droht; jedoch auch umgekehrt, jeder Fehler, einer Vollkommenheit.
 1 decade ago in Quotes
The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real, 'cause that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, and round and round. It has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly coloured, and it's very loud. And it's fun, for a while.

Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: "Is this real, or is this just a ride?". Other people have remembered, and they come back to us, and they say: "Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because: This is just a ride". And we kill those people.

"Shut him up! We have a lot invested in this ride. Shut him up! Look at my furrows of worry; Look at my bank account; and my family. This just has to be real."

It's just a ride. But we always kill those good people who try to tells us that - you ever noticed that? - and let the demons run amok. But it doesn't matter, because... it's just a ride, and we can change it any time we want.

It's only a choice, no effort, no work, no job, no savings of money; a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one.

Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defence each year and instead spend it feeding, clothing and educating the poor of the world - which it would many times over, not one human being excluded - and we can explore space together, both inner and outer, forever, and in peace.
 4 years ago in Quotes
In the United States, we have 260,000 billboards; 11,250 newspapers; 11,556 periodicals; 27,000 video outlets for renting video tapes; more than 500 million radios; and more than 100 million computers. Ninety-eight percent of American homes have a television set; more than half our homes have more than one. There are 40,000 new book titles published every year (300,000 worldwide), and every day in America 41 million photographs are taken. And if this is not enough, more than 60 billion pieces of junk mail (thanks to computer technology) find their way into our mail-boxes every year.

From millions of sources all over the globe, through every possible channel and medium — light waves, airwaves, ticker tapes, computer banks, telephone wires, television cables, satellites, printing presses — information pours in. Behind it, in every imaginable form of storage — on paper, on video and audio tape, on discs, film, and silicon chips — is an ever greater volume of information waiting to be retrieved. Like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, we are awash in information. And all the sorcerer has left us is a broom.

Information has become a form of garbage, not only incapable of answering the most fundamental human questions but barely useful in providing coherent direction to the solution of even mundane problems. To say it still another way: The milieu in which Technopoly flourishes is one in which the tie between information and human purpose has been severed, i.e., information appears indiscriminately, directed at no one in particular, in enormous volume and at high speeds, and disconnected from theory, meaning, or purpose.

All of this has called into being a new world. I have referred to it elsewhere as a peek-a-boo world, where now this event, now that, pops into view for a moment, then vanishes again. It is an improbable world. It is a world in which the idea of human progress, as Bacon expressed it, has been replaced by the idea of technological progress. The aim is not to reduce ignorance, superstition, and suffering but to accommodate ourselves to the requirements of new technologies. We tell ourselves, of course, that such accomodations will lead to a better life, but that is only the rhetorical residue of a vanishing technocracy.

We are a culture consuming itself with information, and many of us do not even wonder how to control the process. We proceed under the assumption that information is our friend, believing that cultures may suffer grievously from a lack of information, which, of course, they do. It is only now beginning to be understood that cultures may also suffer grievously from information glut, information without meaning, information without control mechanisms.
 1 decade ago in Zitate
Und wieder schläft das deutsche Volk in seinem stumpfen, blöden Schlaf weiter und gibt diesen faschistischen Verbrechern Mut und Gelegenheit, weiterzutöten -, und diese tun es.

Sollte dies ein Zeichen dafür sein, daß die Deutschen in ihren primitivsten menschlichen Gefühlen verroht sind, daß keine Saite in ihnen schrill aufschreit im Angesicht solcher Taten, daß sie in einen tödlichen Schlaf versunken sind, aus dem es kein Erwachen mehr gibt, nie, niemals? Es scheint so und ist es bestimmt, wenn der Deutsche nicht endlich aus dieser Dumpfheit auffährt, wenn er nicht protestiert, wo immer er nur kann, gegen diese Verbrecherclique, wenn er mit diesen Hunderttausenden von Opfern nicht mitleidet. Und nicht nur Mitleid muß er empfinden, nein, noch viel mehr: Mitschuld. Denn er gibt durch sein apathisches Verhalten diesen dunklen Menschen erst die Möglichkeit, so zu handeln, er leidet diese "Regierung", die eine so unendliche Schuld auf sich geladen hat, ja, er ist doch selbst schuld daran, daß sie überhaupt entstehen konnte!

Ein jeder will sich von einer solchen Mitschuld freisprechen, ein jeder tut es und schläft dann wieder mit ruhigstem, bestem Gewissen. Aber er kann sich nicht freisprechen, ein jeder ist schuldig, schuldig, schuldig! Doch ist es noch nicht zu spät, diese abscheulichste aller Mißgeburten von Regierungen aus der Welt zu schaffen, um nicht noch mehr Schuld auf sich zu laden. Jetzt, da uns in den letzten Jahren die Augen vollkommen geöffnet worden sind, da wir wissen, mit wem wir es zu tun haben, jetzt ist es allerhöchste Zeit, diese braune Horde auszurotten. Bis zum Ausbruch des Krieges war der größte Teil des deutschen Volkes geblendet, die Nationalsozialisten zeigten sich nicht in ihrer wahren Gestalt, doch jetzt, da man sie erkannt hat, muß es die einzige und höchste Pflicht, ja heiligste Pflicht eines jeden Deutschen sein, diese Bestien zu vertilgen.
 5 years ago in Zeug
(click image to load video)
 1 decade ago in Quotes
It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!
"I, Candidate for Governor: And How I Got Licked" (1935)
 1 decade ago in Quotes
Most civilization is based on cowardice. It's so easy to civilize by teaching cowardice. You water down the standards which would lead to bravery. You restrain the will. You regulate the appetites. You fence in the horizons. You make a law for every movement. You deny the existence of chaos. You teach even the children to breathe slowly. You tame.